The Genitourinary System

Diseases of the genitourinary system in men often cause depression. If the pathology affects the activity of the reproductive system, the quality of life of the patient is significantly reduced. Patients complain of the impossibility of conception and sexual weakness due to a weakened erection. Such a pathology in young men is increasingly due to negative psychological factors, but physiological disorders should not be ruled out.

Impotence in most cases is diagnosed in men older than 40 years. The disorder of the sexual sphere is often associated with chronic diseases of the genitourinary system that affect the condition of the prostate gland and blood vessels of the pelvic organs. Modern medical technologies make it possible to solve this problem with the help of medicines, surgical interventions and special implants. Unfortunately, in some cases, even the most effective treatment does not restore the function of the genital organs.


Impotence is a violation of the function of the penis in men, manifested by insufficient blood supply to the organ. At the same time, erectile dysfunction leads to sexual weakness, because with impotence, the penis is not hard enough to perform intercourse. In most cases, erectile dysfunction is not an independent disease - it is a common complication of pathologies of the nervous system, endocrine organs, heart and blood vessels. Also, erectile dysfunction can be exclusively psychogenic in nature, therefore, during the diagnosis, doctors always evaluate the actual possibility of blood supply to the organ.

Erection is a complex physiological process associated with the nervous system, blood vessels, muscles and humoral factors. Violation of any component of the regulation of the penis can cause impotence. It is assumed that psychological ailments often lead to a disorder of the sexual sphere in young men, while inflammatory processes and structural disorders are usually detected in older patients. Modern examination methods allow you to quickly determine the real cause of erectile dysfunction.

Scientists managed to develop an effective treatment for impotence only in the second half of the 20th century, when new drugs were discovered that affect the state of blood vessels. Up to this point, erectile dysfunction could be comparable in severity to disability, since sick men could not maintain full-fledged relationships with women. In the 21st century, methods for correcting the disease have improved significantly: doctors have studied new diseases that affect erection and have created more reliable methods for restoring penis function.

The work of the body

Penis’s soft tissue anatomical structure combines the functions of the urinary and reproductive systems. During intercourse, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, resulting in an increase and straightening of the organ. At the bottom of the penis is a spongy body through which the urethra passes. The urethra of the penis is necessary for the excretion of urine and ejaculation during intercourse.

Several anatomical components are involved in the process of penis enlargement (erection), including the nervous system, smooth muscles, blood vessels, and endocrine factors. Electrical impulses coming from the human brain contribute to the release of regulatory substances that affect the vascular tone of the penis. As the cavernous bodies are filled with arterial blood, the intensity of venous outflow decreases, as a result of which an erection is maintained for a long time. After ejaculation, the parasympathetic components of the nervous system restore the venous outflow of blood and eliminate the erection.

The main stimulus for the blood supply to the penis is nitric oxide, which is produced by endothelial cells. This regulatory substance sets off a chain reaction of molecular changes leading to smooth muscle relaxation and blood vessel dilation. In this regard, most of the drugs needed to restore an erection enhance the action of nitric oxide or stimulate the release of this chemical compound. Such treatment does not help patients with severe structural pathologies associated with vessels, muscles and other components.

Physical reasons

In most cases, erectile dysfunction is a polyetiological condition. The primary disease may be organic or functional in nature, but often the pathology is aggravated by psychological factors. If the cause of impotence is not immediately detected by symptoms and special examinations, doctors need to assess the condition of several systems at once that can have a negative impact on the male reproductive organs.

The main organic causes

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, causing insufficient blood supply to the penis. It can be myocardial infarction, vascular inflammation, atherosclerosis or trauma. Anomalies in the structure of the vessels of the pelvic cavity should also be taken into account.

Violation of the nervous system. Impotence can be simultaneously caused by a disorder of the central and peripheral nervous systems, since the activity of the penis is controlled by various structures. Usually, we are talking about a stroke, epilepsy, spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis.

Pathologies of the respiratory system, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and breath holding during sleep.

Systemic disorders that simultaneously disrupt the work of several components of regulation. In this case, the cause of impotence may be liver damage, a metabolic disorder, or soft tissue disease.

Diseases of the regulatory systems of the body. Thus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which controls the work of most organs and systems, can lead to impotence.

Injuries resulting from surgery. Patients undergoing pelvic surgery are at risk.

The organic etiology of erectile dysfunction is not always eliminated with the help of medications. Irreversible violation of the functions of the penis in this case is most often due to the pathology of the nervous system.

Psychogenic etiology

Sexual activity in many aspects relies on the reflexes of the nervous system, which a person practically does not control consciously, but do not forget about the influence of higher brain structures on the functioning of the genital organs. Even in the absence of any structural disorders that impede the blood supply to the penis, a man may suffer from periodic or permanent impotence.

Possible reasons

Clinical depression is a pathology of higher nervous activity, manifested by a persistent decrease in mood. Episodes of major depressive disorder often affect organ performance and libido.

Anxiety disorders characterized by panic attacks, fear and social discomfort. Presumably, anxiety can disturb the balance of activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the nervous system.

Post-traumatic mental disorder. The cause of such a disease may be physical abuse, the death of a loved one, or another tragic incident. The disorder is manifested by anxiety, depression and psychosomatic symptoms.

Do not forget that many drugs in psychiatric practice have a negative impact on potency and libido in men. First of all, these are antidepressants, neuroleptics and some anxiolytics. If erectile dysfunction occurs during the treatment of a mental disorder, the patient should first consult with the attending physician.

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