Why should a React developer use React-Redux despite having a use context hook?

Redux hooks and React hooks should not be seen as opposites of each other. They are different things with different goals.

When React Hooks was born, some developers seemed confused about the concepts introduced and how to hook up the Redux libraries. The use Redux hook promotes this confusion.

This article explains the why react developers use Redux instead of React Hook use Redux and how to use it.

Redux and React Hooks: State Management

Redux was created to manage the state of the entire application. React development company provides several tools to reduce the complexity of managing the overall application state.

The new use context and use Redux from the React library are also used to manage the state of your React application. However, there are subtle differences with Redux. This will be discussed in detail later.

But first, let's introduce React hooks.

What is a reaction hook?

React Hooks are a new way to manage state and lifecycle with React components without relying on component classes. Introduced in version 16.8 of the library, it reduces the complexity of components by sharing the logic between them.

React Hooks provide an easy way to manage component behavior and share component logic.

The React Hooks feature is not intended to replace prior knowledge of React concepts such as lifecycle, state, props, context, references, etc.

React Hooks lets you write custom hooks to extract logic used in multiple components and implement the D.R.Y (don't repeat) pattern.

What is Redux?

Redux is a library that manages the state of global applications. This library contains tools to help developers transform their applications by understanding the state of their applications and allowing users to perform actions.

As you can see from the documentation, Redux can be described in three basic principles:

The only source of trust: the global state of an application is stored in a tree of objects in a single repository.

The status is read-only. The only way to edit a store is to issue an action.

Changes using pure functions: You must write reducers as pure functions to update the repository.

Redux updated the library with custom hooks. You can use it to embed components that use React Hooks functionality and distribute the tasks by accessing stored data without depending on component classes.

Where I know a little about Redux and ReactHooks, let's look at the differences.

React and Redux Hooks

Both cover state management, but there are some differences. There's a lot of abstraction in the following sentences, but that seems to be the rule of thumb for when to use Redux in your application.

Redux functionality can be replicated using useContext and useReducer. Redux provides free tools to help you manage your apps without rediscovering the wheel. You can also:

Stores the actual state of the entire application.

Debugging tools during development, such as redux-devtools.

Use the connect() function to change the actual state without triggering a re-render of the entire application. If you also want to know about USA News and Entertainment then this is the place for you.

useContext hook

The useContext hook is used to access state shared by providers. The best case for using React Hooks useContext is to share small information between components such as small apps or app themes. useContext has two main concepts listed below.


Providers are responsible for managing state changes. These changes are felt by all consumers. A good example of a hook using useContext is theme settings.

This provider creates a theme object that all applications use and a setTheme function that updates it. You can see the behavior of setTheme in the code snippet below.


Consumers, as the name suggests, consume the content they subscribe to. Whenever a consumer changes the state of the provider, those changes are propagated by all other consumers.

You can use the global object theme to make sure you set your app's background color.

Other places confuse developers after understanding the useContext function. use the reduction hook. The following sections introduce this feature and describe its use cases.

Can I replace Redux with useReducer?

The useReducer hook should be used with React Js web development services that have complex logic behind them. This seems like a big mess with the Redux library since developers tend to think that useReducer can replace a state manager library. However, in practice, its use should be limited to components. This is primarily because the global use of useReducer would require rewriting new code to control features such as component updates.

How does use Reducer work?

Now that I understand the use case of the use Reducer hook, here are some actions: The following example uses the new React Hook use Reducer dependency to control components in different states.

Let's take a closer look at the input and output parameters of useReducer.

Input parameters

The declaration of the useReducer hook is:

const[state, schedule] = useReducer(reducer, INITIAL_STATE);

Author BIO

Kamal Singh is a Digital Marketing Manager at Devstringx Technologies, a pioneer in offer the React development services globally. Kamal has a keen interest in marketing, technology, and new innovations. He likes traveling and sharing his knowledge through his content. He also loves blogging and he posts regularly about technologies, marketing, and new innovations from the past 2 years.

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